
Welcome to our Tech Apps Distance Learning Webpage!

Remember to join the Remind group @9gkaha

Week Six -May 11th - May14th DUE May 14th!

  1. Choose two items from the list below to do (A-G)
  2. Take a picture of you doing the assignment.
  3. Email or send via Remind. If you would like to put it on Facebook O’Donnell Eagles Yearbook page and be sure to tag Connie Elrod Bagley (so I can find it).
  4. This will be four grades: 1 for each assignment and 1 for each Email, Remind or Facebook post.
A. Clean out everything from under your bed.

B. Clean the bathroom including scrubbing the tub/shower, countertops, and toilet.

C. Learn how to sew on a button and demonstrate how to sew on a button. Sew button tutorial: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&ei=F2G0Xs-sG92-0PEPnI6csAs&q=youtube+how+to+sew+a+button&oq=youtube+how+to+sew+a+button&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB46DggAEOoCELQCEJoBEOUCOggIABCDARCRAjoFCAAQgwE6BAgAEEM6BwgAEIMBEEM6BQgAEJECUIsxWPrHAWCuywFoAHAAeAWAAbsJiAGkSJIBDjItMjQuNC4wLjEuMS4xmAEDoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdperABBg&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiPlID0vaLpAhVdHzQIHRwHB7YQ4dUDCAs&uact=5#kpvalbx=_P2G0XoLaHNTK0PEPopKUgAs21 (opens external link in new window)

D. Learn to set a table properly and set the table for a family meal. Watch How to set a table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9mzBckf3G4

E. Plan and cook a meal for your family. Easy Recipes:https://www.tablespoon.com/meals/dinner/cheap-dinner-ideas (opens external link in new window)

F. Take the sheets off your bed. Wash and dry the sheets and remake your bed.

G. Write a thank you note or words of encouragement to Mrs. Bagley (Box 367, O’Donnell, TX 79351) or to Mr. White (Box 504, O’Donnell, TX 79351)

Microsoft Outlook 2019 - Full Tutorial for Beginners

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfVORz5SsaU (opens external link in new window)

  1. Microsoft (MS) Outlook is contained inside the ____.
    1. Office Suite
    2. Office Bundle
    3. It stands alone
    4. None of these
  2. MS Outlook is used to _____ emails.
    1. Reply and Send
    2. Receive and Reply
    3. Send and Look at
    4. None of these
  3. MS Outlook can help you to Organize and Save your ____.
    1. People
    2. Nothing
    3. Contacts
    4. Everything
  4. MS Outlook is used in a _____ environment.
    1. Personal and Business
    2. Company and Business
    3. Personal and Private
    4. None of these
  5. To connect to Outlook, you must enter what and then Outlook will do the rest automatically for you.
    1. Email address only
    2. Email address and Password
    3. Nothing, it automatic
    4. None of these
  6. What is the Left pane in the Outlook Workspace?
    1. Mailbox with all your emails
    2. Reader’s pane to read your email
    3. Folder pane to browse through email accounts
    4. None of these
  7. What is the Right pane of the Outlook Workspace?
    1. Mailbox with all your emails
    2. Reader’s pane to read your email
    3. Folder pane to browse through email accounts
    4. None of these
  8. What is the Center pane of the Outlook Workspace?
    1. Mailbox with all your emails
    2. Reader’s pane to read your email
    3. Folder pane to browse through email accounts
    4. None of these
  9. What does the Inbox contain?
    1. Collects all emails received
    2. Any response/email not sent
    3. Emails you have sent
    4. Emails that are going to be sent
  10. What does the Outbox contain?
    1. Collects all emails received
    2. Any response/email not sent
    3. Emails you have sent
    4. Emails that are going to be sent
  11. What does the Sent contain?
    1. Collects all emails received
    2. Any response/email not sent
    3. Emails you have sent
    4. Emails that are going to be sent
  12. What does the Draft contain?
    1. Collects all emails received
    2. Any response/email not sent
    3. Emails you have sent
    4. Emails that are going to be sent
  13. What does the Blue Numbers on the side of the folders tell you?
    1. The number of unread emails received
    2. The number of read emails not received
    3. The number of total emails received
    4. None of these
  14. How can you empty a folder such as Thrash or Spam?
    1. Click folder and click empty
    2. Right click folder and click empty
    3. You cannot empty folders
    4. None of these
  15. How do you stop receiving emails from someone?
    1. Left click, Insert, Block Sender
    2. You cannot stop receiving emails from anyone
    3. Right click, Junk, Block Sender
    4. None of these
  16. Can you create your own folders, or do you have to accept the default folders only?
    1. Accept the default folders only
    2. Yes, you can create your own folders
  17. What is the default order you receive emails?
    1. Chronologically by date
    2. Alphabetically by sender
    3. No specific order, there is no default
    4. Chronologically by time
  18. What does the cross button (X) do?
    1. Moves email to the Spam folder
    2. Moves email to the Thrash folder
    3. Moves email to the Junk folder
    4. None of these
  19. Is there a way to Zoom in on your email like Word?
    1. No, you cannot Zoom in on your email
    2. Yes, in the bottom right corner is the Zoom scale
  20. How do you save a contact?
    1. Left click on the email address, click Add to Outlook
    2. Right click on the whole email, click Move to Outlook
    3. Right click on the email address, click Add to Outlook
    4. None of these
  21. What does BCC allow you to do?
    1. Send a message, secretly, to someone and can’t be seen by other recipients
    2. Send a message, privately, to all recipients
    3. Send a message, secretly, to everyone
    4. None of these
  22. Are you allowed to change the font size, style, color, etc. in an email?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  23. What doe a RED ! mean?
    1. Low importance
    2. Not important
    3. High importance
    4. None of these
  24. Why should you empty the Thrash and Spam folders?
    1. Because the computer will run slower with too many emails
    2. Because you simply don’t need them any more
    3. You do not need to empty ever
    4. None of these
  25. Outlook can be used for ____?
  1. A contact group and calendar
  2. A way to contact people, old friends, fellow employees
  3. A contact list and agenda
  4. None of these