Welcome to our Tech Apps Distance Learning Webpage!
Remember to join the Remind group @9gkaha
Week Six -May 11th - May14th DUE May 14th!
- Choose two items from the list below to do (A-G)
- Take a picture of you doing the assignment.
- Email or send via Remind. If you would like to put it on Facebook O’Donnell Eagles Yearbook page and be sure to tag Connie Elrod Bagley (so I can find it).
- This will be four grades: 1 for each assignment and 1 for each Email, Remind or Facebook post.
A. Clean out everything from under your bed.
B. Clean the bathroom including scrubbing the tub/shower, countertops, and toilet.
C. Learn how to sew on a button and demonstrate how to sew on a button. Sew button tutorial: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&ei=F2G0Xs-sG92-0PEPnI6csAs&q=youtube+how+to+sew+a+button&oq=youtube+how+to+sew+a+button&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB46DggAEOoCELQCEJoBEOUCOggIABCDARCRAjoFCAAQgwE6BAgAEEM6BwgAEIMBEEM6BQgAEJECUIsxWPrHAWCuywFoAHAAeAWAAbsJiAGkSJIBDjItMjQuNC4wLjEuMS4xmAEDoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdperABBg&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiPlID0vaLpAhVdHzQIHRwHB7YQ4dUDCAs&uact=5#kpvalbx=_P2G0XoLaHNTK0PEPopKUgAs21 (opens external link in new window)
D. Learn to set a table properly and set the table for a family meal. Watch How to set a table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9mzBckf3G4
E. Plan and cook a meal for your family. Easy Recipes:https://www.tablespoon.com/meals/dinner/cheap-dinner-ideas (opens external link in new window)
F. Take the sheets off your bed. Wash and dry the sheets and remake your bed.
G. Write a thank you note or words of encouragement to Mrs. Bagley (Box 367, O’Donnell, TX 79351) or to Mr. White (Box 504, O’Donnell, TX 79351)
Microsoft Outlook 2019 - Full Tutorial for Beginners
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfVORz5SsaU (opens external link in new window)
- Microsoft (MS) Outlook is contained inside the ____.
- Office Suite
- Office Bundle
- It stands alone
- None of these
- MS Outlook is used to _____ emails.
- Reply and Send
- Receive and Reply
- Send and Look at
- None of these
- MS Outlook can help you to Organize and Save your ____.
- People
- Nothing
- Contacts
- Everything
- MS Outlook is used in a _____ environment.
- Personal and Business
- Company and Business
- Personal and Private
- None of these
- To connect to Outlook, you must enter what and then Outlook will do the rest automatically for you.
- Email address only
- Email address and Password
- Nothing, it automatic
- None of these
- What is the Left pane in the Outlook Workspace?
- Mailbox with all your emails
- Reader’s pane to read your email
- Folder pane to browse through email accounts
- None of these
- What is the Right pane of the Outlook Workspace?
- Mailbox with all your emails
- Reader’s pane to read your email
- Folder pane to browse through email accounts
- None of these
- What is the Center pane of the Outlook Workspace?
- Mailbox with all your emails
- Reader’s pane to read your email
- Folder pane to browse through email accounts
- None of these
- What does the Inbox contain?
- Collects all emails received
- Any response/email not sent
- Emails you have sent
- Emails that are going to be sent
- What does the Outbox contain?
- Collects all emails received
- Any response/email not sent
- Emails you have sent
- Emails that are going to be sent
- What does the Sent contain?
- Collects all emails received
- Any response/email not sent
- Emails you have sent
- Emails that are going to be sent
- What does the Draft contain?
- Collects all emails received
- Any response/email not sent
- Emails you have sent
- Emails that are going to be sent
- What does the Blue Numbers on the side of the folders tell you?
- The number of unread emails received
- The number of read emails not received
- The number of total emails received
- None of these
- How can you empty a folder such as Thrash or Spam?
- Click folder and click empty
- Right click folder and click empty
- You cannot empty folders
- None of these
- How do you stop receiving emails from someone?
- Left click, Insert, Block Sender
- You cannot stop receiving emails from anyone
- Right click, Junk, Block Sender
- None of these
- Can you create your own folders, or do you have to accept the default folders only?
- Accept the default folders only
- Yes, you can create your own folders
- What is the default order you receive emails?
- Chronologically by date
- Alphabetically by sender
- No specific order, there is no default
- Chronologically by time
- What does the cross button (X) do?
- Moves email to the Spam folder
- Moves email to the Thrash folder
- Moves email to the Junk folder
- None of these
- Is there a way to Zoom in on your email like Word?
- No, you cannot Zoom in on your email
- Yes, in the bottom right corner is the Zoom scale
- How do you save a contact?
- Left click on the email address, click Add to Outlook
- Right click on the whole email, click Move to Outlook
- Right click on the email address, click Add to Outlook
- None of these
- What does BCC allow you to do?
- Send a message, secretly, to someone and can’t be seen by other recipients
- Send a message, privately, to all recipients
- Send a message, secretly, to everyone
- None of these
- Are you allowed to change the font size, style, color, etc. in an email?
- Yes
- No
- What doe a RED ! mean?
- Low importance
- Not important
- High importance
- None of these
- Why should you empty the Thrash and Spam folders?
- Because the computer will run slower with too many emails
- Because you simply don’t need them any more
- You do not need to empty ever
- None of these
- Outlook can be used for ____?
- A contact group and calendar
- A way to contact people, old friends, fellow employees
- A contact list and agenda
- None of these